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25 Seeds Pongamia Pinnata Derris indica Indian beech
Product Description
Description Fast growing, glabrous, deciduous, tree to ca 25 m tall, branchesdrooping; trunk diameter to 60 cm; bark smooth, gray. Leaves imparipinnate, shiny; young leaves pinkish red, mature leaves glossy, deep green; leaflets 5–9, the terminal leaflet larger than the others; stipels none; stipules caducous. Flowers fragrant, white to pinkish, paired along rachis in axillary, pendent, long racemes or panicles; calyx campanulate or cup-shaped, truncate, short-dentate, lowermost lobe sometimes longer; standard suborbicular, broad, usually with 2 inflexed, basal ears, thinly silky-haired outside; wings oblique, long, somewhat adherent to the obtuse keel; keel petals coherent at apex; stamens monadelphous, vexillary stamen free at the base but joined with others into a closed tube; ovary subsessile to short-stalked, pubescent; ovules 2, rarely 3; style filiform, upper half incurved, glabrous; stigma small, terminal. Pod short stalked, oblique-oblong, flat, smooth, thickly leathery to subwoody, indehiscent, 1-seeded; seed thick, reniform
Pack Contains 25 Seeds Available In Bulk Also Contact Us For More Details