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Product Description
Pack Conatins 100 Seeds Available in in Large quantities also Description Trees up to 12 m tall and wide, bark smooth, wood soft; leaves dark green, up to 15 cm wide, heart-shaped, sometimes lobed, appearing usually just after, but sometimes just before flowering; flowers in clusters, whitish, rosethroated, produced in early spring from terminal buds of shoots of the previous season; monoecious, male and female flowers in same inflorescence, usually with the pistillate flowers surrounded by several staminate flowers; fruits spherical, pear-shaped or top shaped, green to purple at maturity, with 45 carpets each with one seed; seeds usually 45, but may vary from 1 to 15, 23.2 cm long, 1.3 2.5 cm wide, consisting of a hard outer shell and a kernel from which the oil is obtained. Fl. Feb.Mar.; fr. late Sept. to early Nov.