HomeSeeds P -T10 Seeds Terminalia bellirica bastard myrobalan

10 Seeds Terminalia bellirica bastard myrobalan

10 Seeds Terminalia bellirica bastard myrobalan
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10 Seeds Terminalia bellirica bastard myrobalan



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Product Description

Beleric, also known as the bastard myrobalan, Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb., is a large deciduous tree common on plains and lower hills in Southeast Asia, where it is also grown as an avenue tree. The basionym is Myrobalanus bellirica Gaertn. (Fruct. Sem. Pl. 2: 90, t. 97. 1791). Roxburgh transferred M. bellirica to Terminalia as "T. bellerica (Gaertn.) Roxb.". This spelling error is now widely used, causing confusion. The correct name is Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.)